Red Lipstick to Go out and Buy Now! Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick in Gladiolus

Okay, I know this is two posts in one day, but I’m sure you guys surf the net while working too. I fell in love with this image of Emma Stone at the Sag Awards, doesn’t she look gorgeous? Not only is she pretty(talented) but she knows how to wear crimson. This is one shadeContinue reading “Red Lipstick to Go out and Buy Now! Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick in Gladiolus”

Makeup Turorials at Saks – Featuring Christian McCulloch of Dolce & Gabbana

Besides noticing amazing skin, hair and nails makeup application is another beauty ritual that is admired.  Especially when we notice how amazing Rachel Weisz, Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, Emma Stone, Michelle Williams, Katie Holmes, Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Biel look every time we see them walk-down the red carpet or gracing the cover of oneContinue reading “Makeup Turorials at Saks – Featuring Christian McCulloch of Dolce & Gabbana”

Red Lipstick in The Movies – Emma Stone in Gangster Squad

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m always wondering what lip shades of glorious crimson women are wearing, especially in the movies. For those of you that have seen Gangster Squad and have been searching for Emma Stone’s signature red, it’s Femme Noir by Julie Hewett. Femme Noir is a pink-based red, reminding meContinue reading “Red Lipstick in The Movies – Emma Stone in Gangster Squad”